Sorry for every reader,i really tired the 2 days,so start today i write something in blog,this part is "personal"i'm going to order for met people,description the face in my eyes :)
from beijing transft Frankfut main airport,i'm arrived zürich airport,I'm through the way,try out to gate,someone beside window display a big Go problem for me!Who?but i realize immediately the man is my student and good friend "lovebach"-Armel-david wolff!
why i got amazing?because i saw his photo before,he was playing a game,feel he is like an official,a seriously person but in real life he is more higher than i thought and affability,when we are create a rule,my english from chinese,his english from french,we need get concert for most english words,at last he become my first important translater for french & german :)
We are walking and visit züri famous street and museum,i feel armel-david really hard with me,we decided rest in hotel a while than wait meet a big person!
we are come in a corner in the street,he suddely talk with someone,i thought maybe a know person met in this city,but he says it's important person in swissgo,director this zurich tournament,names Lorenz,when Lorenz nod with me say nice to meet you,ah he is Lorenz,i know him,the man who i will meet.he wear a hat,let you know the weather not so good,still cold,we are friendly talk a while,he taught me a word "züri".he says in zurich people call that,very location language.i try remember,then everytime use to zurich people really close to them,i feel lorenz is an optimism person,always smile and want make joking with you.when i meet him again,i said miss you so much !!!
I met the 2 heros at the 1st day in switzerland,2 nice people and we are good friend in my eyes :)
welcome you write comments if you know them!
Li Ang